LCABSE creates and provides programs and services for African-American educators, parents, students and interested citizens in Lorain County Ohio, These programs and services aid in enhancing skills and capabilities that improve the quaility of education for teachers and students, particulary of African-American decent.

Historical Perspective

April 1981
First meeting held to organize Lorain County Alliance of Black School Educators under the auspices of the Ohio Alliance of Black School Educators and the National Alliance of Black School Educators.

September 1981

Interim officers named to provide leadership to the organizing affiliate.

June 1982

Ratification of the constitution for the Lorain County Alliance of Black School Educators (LCABSE).

August 1982

Received status as an affiliate of the National Alliance of Black School Educators and established affiliate.


Charter Members

Herman Noland, Founder

Saundra Ferguson Eddie Harrell Caliph Islam Mildred Carter McClain
Rev. Whitt Miller Gloria Funches-Noland
Spring 1985 and 2000
Hosted the Ohio Alliance of Black School Educators Conference.

Keynote Speakers:

 Dr. Lois Harrison-Jones, President of National Alliance of Black School Educators
 Dr. Susan T. Zelman, Superintendent of Public Instruction
 Dr. E. Jean Harper, Superintendent of Elyria City Schools

February 1984

LCABSE’s first African-American Academic Achievement Awards Program was held on the campus of Oberlin College. Approximately 65 students, 7th - 12th grades were honored. This program promoted academic excellence and accented cultural awareness. To date, LCABSE has honored over 9,000 students.

March 1984

First scholarships were awarded to graduating seniors in Elyria, Lorain, and Oberlin. In addition, a scholarship for students attending Lorain County Community College and Historically Black College’s was established. To date, 150 seniors have been the recipients of approximately $100,000 in scholarships and awards. A career workshop entitled “Charting Your Future” was sponsored for graduating seniors.

July 7, 1996

Litany of Commitment was adopted from NABSE.
Received NABSE President’s Cornerstone Award and National Affiliate Council Award.

November 7, 1998
Approximately 350 parents and students attended our first annual “Preparing for Your Future” Workshop: a day designed especially for parents and students in grades 7th – 12th. The keynote was Dr. Eleanor Horne, Vice President/Secretary of the Educational Testing Service Princeton, New Jersey. Each parent and student received a booklet entitled “Getting Ready for College.”